Friday, October 17, 2008

Theory Post

Although the economic crisis has been forming for quite some time now, its most recent downfall shocked the nation and brought fear and panic. Obama and McCain absolutely HAVE to prove to Americans they can provide measures to fix the economy. Having President George W. Bush in office for the past eight years, many Americans have been displeased with his handling of 9-11, The Iraq War, and not too mention the the economy that led us to this point. Right now before either candidate has recieved presidency, we as the people can determine who will help this nation and prevent further disaster.

Obama outlines a very detailed rescue plan to help the economy. He focuses on tax breaks, trade, and using gained money to help build the nation up. He claims he will help the middle class by creating jobs and helping to pay mortgages so families can stay in their homes. The new jobs created will foster the "green" movement, so while not only helping the financial market, research and action can be taken to help the environment. Tax cuts he proposes will be rewarded to business who create new jobs, and tax money that is recieved will go to programs to help the U.S.

McCain's plan is a little more vague with a concentration on keeping the housing market from further declines and cutting taxes. He plans to cut corporate taxes and help seniors with taxes. He also claims he will balance the federal budget. These are large committments that are not based on much detail.

I think both candidates have important ideas to add to the rescue plan and they both want to help jumpstart the economy of the U.S. Obviously with the election, one side will be chosen over another but I think Obama's plan helps a greater number of people, or at least promises to.

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